Inspiration Library

This site is a free library of inspiring Christian topics that you can use to create inspirational talks or share links online. It is an extension of the Jesus Christ Art site message encouraging awareness of God in our lives.

God's inspiration comes through impressions that feel right. Maybe it is something you read or saw that gives you a strong sense of peace. When we follow God's inspiration, something good will follow. We may not see the results instantly, or ever... but somebody was helped through your inspired actions.

Getting started

To get started, search Ctrl-K for a topic, or see the main menu. Every inspirational message title has a unique URL you can share. Or pick a topic on your phone, and combine that with your testimony for a quick inspirational talk.


Even a small belief in God will bring mighty changes for good in your life.


Prayer is spiritual chat with the most powerful and loving Being in the universe.


Self image is you now. Self improvement builds your self image who you want to be.


We all suffer in many ways. All you need is faith for Jesus Christ to heal you.

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