
When I became a parent, I discovered the joy of helping a discouraged child to succeed. We have a loving Father in Heaven, and so we are all family. Each with our relative needs, each with the ability to help a brother or sister.

Make Time

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    Brett Snyder

    Time is passing us by. Some cherished memories seem like yesterday, and some are fading.

    In the rush of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of what matters most. The most valuable investment of our time is in relationships, especially with family. These connections are the backbone of our support system and the source of life's core moments. Whether through a family dinner, a weekend outing, or sharing stories before bedtime, these moments strengthen bonds and create cherished memories that last a lifetime.

    My mom played a crucial role in nurturing my artistic interests during my childhood. When bored, she would encourage me to draw, providing me with pencils, and paper to doodle on. As I grew older, I did a couple of sketches of Christ that unexpectedly resonated with many people.

    Beyond our immediate circles, there are those in need around us – friends, neighbors, or strangers who could benefit from our time and compassion. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. Maybe it's volunteering at a local food bank, helping someone move, or simply being there for someone going through a tough time. The time we invest in others has a butterfly effect for good that extends far beyond us.

    In places we cannot always see,
    There are hearts that need help, just like you and me.
    Friends and strangers, quietly ask,
    A butterfly’s kindness lifts the task.
    Small acts of love, like petals that fly,
    Spread kindness and make the world sigh.
    Helping hands, a simple song,
    Create waves of good that last so long.
    When we give our time with a caring heart,
    We build a place where kindness starts.
    In every kind thing, we softly reflect,
    The power of the butterfly effect.

    In the pursuit of a meaningful life, it's crucial to carve out time for uplifting hobbies. Engaging in good activities that bring joy not only serves as self-improvement but also radiates positive energy to those around us. Could be a creative endeavor, playing a sport, or immersing in a good hobby, these activities enrich our lives and will inspire others.

    However, social media, with its endless scrolling and innate comparisons, often diverts attention without purpose. It invites procrastination and contention, and hinders personal and professional growth. Excessive video games, television, and streaming contribute to many hours lost in mindless consumption, offering minimal value. Finding healthy moderation and balance is key to reclaiming time for more purposeful pursuits.

    It's also important to allocate time for spiritual nourishment. Making time for God is a state of being; it's self-discovery and connection with the Almighty! Reflecting on His hand in your life through prayerful meditation will provide clarity, peace, and a sense of purpose that transcends any challenge we face. It's a time to be still, listen, and feel His love.

    Space and time are not linear for God. He knows all His creations. Through His infinite everlasting power and love, He made a timeless connection for each of His children.

    Emulating this divine example, we can prioritize what truly matters by allocating time to relationships, those in need, uplifting activities, and spiritual well-being. Time is precious, and how we spend it reflects our values. Make time for what matters most.

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    Galatians 6:2

    Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

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    Winston Churchill

    We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Light and Love

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    Brett Snyder

    Pondering how our Father in Heaven is full of light and love. And so are His children.

    Genesis sets the stage for everything with four simple words: "Let there be light." This wasn’t just about physical light. It was the beginning of order breaking through chaos, a glimpse into God’s nature: life-giving, purposeful, and good. The apostle John later adds another truth: "God is love." These two ideas, light and love, are the heart of Christian belief, teaching us a life of spiritual clarity through selfless service. And a fullness of joy that rises from life’s trials.

    When God speaks light into existence, it’s about more than just brightening the sky. This light separates truth from confusion and brings clarity to darkness. It’s active — it "rules over the day" and lays the foundation for moral understanding. Psalms call God’s presence "the path of life," where true joy is found. Finding light within ourselves means choosing truth over lies, humility over pride, and seeking wisdom through prayer and meditative reflection.

    Throughout the Scriptures, people are transformed when they discover this divine light. Moses stands before a burning bush, Paul is struck blind on the road to Damascus, and John the Baptist is described as "a burning and shining lamp." But this light isn’t just about gaining inspiration, it comes with responsibility. Jesus warns that if the light inside us becomes dark, the consequences are not good. It’s not enough to simply receive truth; we’re called to "walk in the light," letting it shape our character and guide our actions. Faith without works...

    Love, as described in the Bible, goes far beyond warm feelings. Jesus’ command to "love thy neighbor as thyself" was radical at the time, it breaks down barriers and insists that even enemies deserve compassion. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians takes it further, urging believers to "walk in love" just as Christ loved us, sacrificially, without expecting anything in return. This kind of love isn’t about fancy words or empty gestures. It’s about action. John’s letters emphasize that real love is shown through what we do, not just what we say. When Jesus washes His disciples feet, He turns an ordinary task into an eternal lesson that love is found in humble, everyday service. The widow who gives her last two coins - no act of generosity is too small when it’s done with a sincere heart.

    Light and love are not separate ideas, they work together, revealing a path that leads home. Psalm 16:11 says that in God’s presence is the fullness of joy. This joy isn’t about temporary happiness; it’s the empathetic acceptance and peace that comes when Gospel truth and love align. Think of the disciples on the Emmaus road, how their hearts burned within them as Jesus explained the Scriptures. This wasn’t just intellectual conversation, it was a moment where pure truth and heartfelt relationship met, bringing comfort and clarity. As you read the scriptures, imagine Jesus is talking to you personally.

    Together, light and love always overcome darkness. When Jesus heals Bartimaeus, restoring his sight, it’s more than a physical miracle, it’s a picture of spiritual awakening through empathy and compassion. The early church in Acts reflects this, sharing everything they had and gathering with "gladness and singleness of heart." Their love for one another wasn’t forced; it was real and sustaining community service, showing when light and love work together, no one is left behind.

    Jesus calls His followers "the light of the world," not because of their perfection, but because they reflect His light to others around them. He does not expect perfection, only that we try to walk in light of His Atonement, learning along the way. Think of the parable of the prodigal son, the lost son finds his true identity not by fixing himself but by returning to the love of his father. Paul echoes this when he urges believers to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. These simple actions reveal the pure heart of our divine nature, offering grace and mercy freely and without condition. This is also the light of Christ and is found in every one of God's children.

    To follow Christ means to listen without judgment, give without keeping score, and forgive because we’ve been forgiven. In doing so, we reflect the God who "makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good," shining light and love on everyone, without exception. This path isn’t always easy. It asks for sacrifice, turning the other cheek, carrying burdens - but it leads to a final promise: a place where "there shall be no night," where we’ll be fully embraced by the unending love of our Creator. Remember your heavenly heritage, you are a beloved child of God.

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    Acts 2:46

    And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart

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    Martin Luther King Jr

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Be Present

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    Brett Snyder

    Whether you are driving, studying, playing, praying, etc... "Be present."

    Being present is embracing the beauty and stillness of the current moment. A zen approach that takes intentional focus. Not always easy in everyday life. We shed the weight of our inner chatter and fully immerse ourselves in the here and now. This allows us to connect with the essence of life, becoming attuned to our environment, emotions, and people around us. Ultimately finding a sense of fulfillment and contentment to replace worry and fear.

    Being present naturally inspires us. It opens us to fresh ideas, insights, and creative sparks. With heightened awareness, we uncover opportunities and solutions that might otherwise go unnoticed. Furthermore, being present fosters a deeper relationship with our Father in Heaven. In the stillness of these moments, we create space for spiritual awareness and reflection, drawing us closer to Him. These are the moments when I can see His hand in my life.

    Being present doesn't end with us; it extends to how we serve others. When we're present, we're better able to touch the lives of those around us. By listening and truly connecting with people, we offer our undivided attention, making them feel valued and loved. When listening, it is easy to get distracted by our perceived solutions rather than the person we are focusing on. Listen with empathy, not judgment.

    Being present in service is a powerful tool for spreading God's compassion and empathy. It allows us to offer our comfort, prayer, and hope to those in need. Small acts of kindness, like a warm smile or a helping hand, can have a big impact on someone's day, spreading the message of Christ in everyday interactions.

    Serving others with a present heart allows God to work through us. Using our unique gifts to bring a transformation for good to those we serve and realigning our spiritual compass.

    Being present is a gift to ourselves and a shining light to others, a pathway to inspiration, a means to connect with God, The Source of Truth. As we embrace the now, we not only transform our own lives but also become instruments of God's love in our chaotic world. Strive to be present, and let it show in your service to others.

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    Psalm 46:10

    Be still, and know that I am God.

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    Dale Carnegie

    Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Thanks for Listening

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    Brett Snyder

    Heavenly Father listens to all our prayers. We should listen to His inspiration and to those around us. Does not mean we should try to fix or judge them, just listen.

    Finding a place to live fresh from college was challenging, especially as a dime-a-dozen graphic designer. One apartment offered a finished attic crawl space bedroom with shared common areas. I could not fully stand up in my bedroom, but only paid $80/mo, utilities included. Eventually, I moved to a 3-person rental, each with their own room. One roommate was open and talkative, while the other kept to himself. Always looking down as he scurried by. After a while, this shy roommate started asking me what I did for work, where I was from, etc. It was almost like a background check, although still guarded about his life.

    Over the next couple of months, we all hung out a few times and found things in common to laugh about. Finally, the shy one opened up to me in confidence about how he was making ends meet. I listened without judgment. I thanked him for trusting me, and his secret was safe. After his reveal, our discussions became more analytical. Pros and Cons. Helping him understand his future if he kept this path. It was grim. Was the risk worth it? He had to make up his mind. He was an insecure kid, searching for guidance.

    After my lease ended, I moved out. Never had any arguments, just found a much better location I could not pass up. Two years later, I was visiting a friend's church far from where I lived. As I entered the foyer, I heard my name. Some happy dude gave me a bro hug and asked if I remembered him. I did not recognize him. He pulled me aside and said "After you left our apartment, I thought more about our Pros and Cons list. It was not worth the risk anymore. Thanks for listening." I was blown away at how my shy ex-roommate cleaned up his life, and his countenance showed it. I had no clue I made a difference.

    God inspired me to live in that apartment for a time. And He inspired me when to leave. I am glad I listened.

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    John 10:16

    And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring.

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    Stephen Covey

    Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

The Breakdancer

  • Name
    Brett Snyder

    We all make our own choices. It is called free will. We serve others by showing respect for different approaches to life.

    I've been flipping around at dances before breakdancing was a thing. At high school dances, I could bust a back or front flip out of any dance move. Press handstand twist down to leg circle variations. If the crowd created a lane, I would do a full tumbling pass. At college, I was flipping off stages. Blacked out an entire lit dance floor by doing a back layout. It was called "break" dancing. So many bruises.

    Then he arrived. The spotlight shifted to an amazing pop-lock master, in a hat. His whole dance style was mesmerizing. No flashy acrobatics, just natural physical talent that obeyed every beat. He would take the front floor, and I would take the main floor. It was on. We knew without looking whose turn it was to take the spotlight. He would do a full sequence of pop-lock poetry, I would do an acrobatic interpretation, with some basic pop-lock thrown in.

    Over time, he nodded at me, I nodded at him. An unspoken detente of respect and admiration for each artist.

    Even though the crowd changed from week to week, our battle was to command the crowd... a challenge welcomed by both. No one judged, but we knew who won each night. Our friend groups and lifestyles were totally different. There was never any mutual aggression, only genuine respect. One was not better than the other, only different styles. Each elevated the other to get better.

    By lifting each other up and avoiding contention, we become peacemakers. Someone that respects God-given free will, refraining from imposing judgment. If others are interested in why your light shines bright, they will hear you. Contention is not of God. Love your neighbor as God loves you. God's love is pure empathy that fills our souls with good. Focus on our common goals and accomplishments as one family in Christ. There is only one Judge.

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    Matthew 5:9

    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

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    Ronald Reagan

    Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

The Layover

  • Name
    Brett Snyder

    Sometimes it is not always clear, but if we are willing to be open to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we will be guided to the right place at the right time. But are we ready to serve? Are we ready to be served?

    During a recent business trip, I was finally hunkered down in a crowded airport, plugged in, ready to face a long layover. A few minutes later, I looked up and saw an elderly lady, with a slight limp, briskly pushing her wheelchair. I felt prompted to help her. So I unplugged, and about halfway to her - I froze. I saw airport officials standing nearby who should help her. Or since she was almost at her terminal, was she pushing her wheelchair for exercise?

    As I started to walk back to my seat without intervening, I heard a sound I will never forget.

    The disabled lady I was going to help had fallen flat, face down. If I had the courage to simply follow my prompting, she would not be lying there. The nearby airport officials got to her before I could. I remember the walk of shame back to my seat felt like an eternity. Somebody, who I will call "Clarence", slowly shook his head at me as I walked by. I felt devastated.

    The next day at the crowded business convention, l saw a very pregnant lady carrying a large box with a line of children trailing her. It seemed redemption was at hand. I eagerly ran over and offered to help. "Let me carry that box for you." Courage was at 100%. As I reached out to save her from impending injury to her and her unborn child, she said "No. I am good. The box is empty." Then they hurried off.

    But as I walked back this time, I felt great. This time I acted like a true follower of Jesus. Not all may want our help, but we should try.

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    1 Chronicles 28:20

    And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.

  • Name
    Maya Angelou

    It takes courage to be kind.

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