
Prayer is the ultimate way to talk to the most powerful and loving Being in the universe. We communicate thoughts, feelings, and images in an instant without bandwidth or lag. He knows and feels everything He has created. Including you. To know Him, just pray.

Meditative Prayer

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    Brett Snyder

    By far, my favorite way to pray when alone.

    Prayer is a sacred time to express ourselves to our Father in Heaven. He somehow runs the entire universe, yet has the power to know each of His creations. He knows how we feel, what we think, and how many hairs on our head. He is not constrained to an instance of linear time and space like we are right now. His power is all around us, and in us. We have the God-given ability to call Him 24/7 and pour out our hearts. He waits for our call.

    Due to daily stress, prayers can often get rushed, repetitious, and shallow. Going through the motions rather than truly connecting. That is how I was feeling. I wanted a more attentive way to pray. Many years ago when I was dealing with anxiety, I used self-meditation as a way to beat it. Why not use it for prayer? It would not work for group settings but should allow me to connect better solo.

    Understanding prayer as, praying to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Ghost. I sit or lie down in a safe place where I would not be disturbed. Then relax my body from head to toe. Clear my mind from the daily chaos with deep slow breathing. Then pray. I fell asleep the first couple of times at this point. Remembering to keep myself awake and aware, was key.

    I had to consciously relearn to think clearly with heartfelt intention. Put sincere emotion behind my words. And keep random thoughts from distracting me. It was hard at first, but I got better.

    It did not take long for me to feel like He was listening directly to me. I loved the warmth as I thanked him for the good in my day or about Gospel topics. My clearly outlined concerns and requests felt heard and recorded. After my main prayer ended, I would start another. An opportunity to randomly express my thoughts about anything and everything and see where it ends. Mostly, I answer my own questions through inspiration or realize how trivial a concern is. Inspiration comes from thoughts that feel right and peaceful. These are now my favorite types of prayers and relaxation. I have a much closer relationship with my Heavenly Father.

    Be sure you tell your spouse you are meditating. My wife thought I slept like a mummy for weeks until I told her what I was doing. There is only ONE Source of Truth to worship through prayer, God the Father. Do not look for signs. Be still and listen with your heart. He will answer you in His own way and time. It may not be what you want, but it will be what you need.

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    James 1:5

    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

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    Martin Luther

    To pray well is the better half of study.

Early One Morning

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    So relatable. When I don't start and end my day with prayer, there is a noticable difference. Even better when you hold a prayer in your heart all day. Keeps things in perspective.

    I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day. I had so much to accomplish that I didn't have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task. "Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered. He answered, "You didn't ask."

    I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled gray and bleak; I wondered why God didn't show me. He said, "But you didn't seek." I tried to come into God's presence; I used all my keys at the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, "My child, you didn't knock." I woke early this morning, and paused before entering the day; I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.

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    Matthew 7:7

    Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

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    Georges Bernanos

    The wish to pray is a prayer in itself.

What is Light?

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    Brett Snyder

    God has given us much, we just need to look for it.

    The sun, moon, and stars each radiate natural light. Light lets us see, gives us warmth, helps create food, and much more. Light is the main way for us to see and interact with our world. After a long night, sunlight gives us a sense of well-being and hope for the new day. Anything is possible.

    There is a wider range of visible and invisible light than just what we see from the sun. How much more is there? I am not talking about looking for signs or seeing dead people. I am talking about one afternoon not long ago. After spending time pondering what God had given us, my heart was full of gratitude. I felt a need to sit outside.

    As I sat on the front patio looking up at the blue sky, I could hear the birds chirping and see leaves swaying softly in the wind. I reflected on Christ's mission with even more gratitude in my heart. I noticed the sky looked a deeper blue, the leaves looked vibrant green, and the birds sounded much closer. My heart felt light and full of joy. That feeling made me get up and jump walk down the sidewalk smiling while looking up the entire time. It felt like tapping into God's light radiating from His creations and sky. Pure love that filled my soul completely. It was what I was made for. I wanted more.

    After several minutes of prancing down the sidewalk, I thought how strange I must look to the neighbors. The instant it mattered what people thought, the full feeling of God's love and richer color were gone. Embarrassed, I quickly returned to my patio chair. I understood if I stayed in that blissful state, I would be too disconnected to learn and grow as needed in our short time here on earth. This taste of Heaven helped put trivial things in perspective and renewed hope for what is to come.

    I now see light as anything or anyone that fills one's soul with joy and hope for good. As you pray to your Father in Heaven, spend time in gratitude for all the good you have been given. Then be still and look for His loving hand in your life.

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    Matthew 5: 16

    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

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    Amanda Gorman

    There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Go to Church

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    Brett Snyder

    Answers to prayers don't usually happen how or when you expect. Yet, it did for me after a small test of faith - that I almost failed.

    One fine Sunday morning, I was just waking up and heard a knock at the door. We were informed of an unforeseen issue that affected my entire family. It could have serious long-term consequences so I urgently wanted to skip church and research solutions. After we said a prayer, I felt the need to go to church. I went early hoping to see if a divine answer was at hand. There were a few potential candidates, but no solution.

    Huh? I had faith and followed the prompting from the prayer. Why did I even come?

    Disappointed, I walked to the exit. As the door opened, my arms awkwardly buckled and my feet stumbled. Like I never used a door before. As I turned my head, I spied two men chatting off to the side. I went over and asked if they knew anything about my issue. One said he was currently working through the SAME type of thing! He gave me a great contact that proved to be exactly what we needed. The contact was very eager to help us. It not only helped us, but another unsuspecting young family as well. An answer to prayer.

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    Ephesians 6:18

    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.

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    Thomas Nelson

    Stay faithful. If you're hurting, stay hopeful. Pray and give thanks to God for the opportunity to grow; ask Him to shed light, ask Him for clarity.

Nightly Prayers

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    Brett Snyder

    Prayer is best if most of it is spent in heartfelt thanks. Be open to His will. Always humbly ask for His protection and guidance.

    I had just moved back to my home state and was visiting my brother. It was great to see him settling down with his wonderful new family and home. Something I had yet to do. We talked about everything and laughed at nothing until it was very late. They kindly offered my nephew's room for the night. Being a preschooler, he was happy to camp out in Mom and Dad's bed. I shut the door, prayed, and hopped into bed. I slept like a baby the whole night.

    After I woke up, my brother asked if anything had happened last night. I said not that I know of, why? He said his son went to get water in the kitchen last night. He saw a man in a purple robe listening outside my bedroom door. He went over to the man and asked who he was. The man turned angrily and said go away or I will kill you! My nephew ran back and told my brother about the scary man, but no one was there. He let me sleep.

    The man in the purple robe could only listen to my thoughts outside my room. He waited for me to dwell on dark things to magnify and twist. We always have the freedom to think and act for ourselves. His job is to try and instill fear and self-doubt. I think he was angry because I slept great. He ONLY has the influence we choose to give him.

    When you say your prayers at night, you also enlist mighty angels from Heaven. When you focus on the Gospel Christ has outlined, darkness can not influence you. It is normal to think about anything and everything, just try not to fester with worry, hate, fear, etc. It does nothing but tear you down. There are so many better places to live in your head.

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    John 1:5

    And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

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    Walt Whitman

    Keep your face always toward the sunshine — and shadows will fall behind you.


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    Brett Snyder

    Prayers are answered in ways we don’t expect—in God’s time, not ours.

    One summer weekend, I was invited to go camping in Jackson Hole. I wasn’t an experienced camper, but I thought it might be fun to try it. I bought a large tent, packed a cooler full of food, and set off early in the morning. As we drove through Wyoming, I played The Mission by Ennio Morricone, feeling completely overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of each hill and valley. After nearly six hours on the road, we arrived at our campsite near a large brook. This was my kind of camping—park the car, throw the cooler on the picnic table, and set up the tent between the table and the water. After a hearty meal, we cleaned up and swam in the coldest mountain water I’ve ever experienced. Later, we gathered around a warm campfire, chatting until it was time to sleep. With it being summer, I left the tent’s front flap and windows open, welcoming the cool, fresh air—a peaceful break from the hustle of city life.

    Experienced campers will probably spot my rookie mistakes right away. Around 2 a.m., I was jolted awake by the sound of loud eating nearby. The ground trembled as something heavy walked close to the tent. It hit me—the food cooler was still on the picnic table, practically inviting any hungry creature for a midnight snack. As I sat up, I saw large shapes moving outside, the noises they made eating were sickening as if we would be next. I had recently seen the movie The Bear, so I knew what could happen if we tried to make a run for the car parked just past the picnic table. I sat there thinking, This can’t be how it ends. I pulled a knife from my backpack, determined not to go down without a fight. Thankfully, I was talked out of doing anything rash. Instead, I said a quick prayer and felt inspired to quietly cut out the back tent window screen and escape, using the large tent as a blind between us and the huge bear.

    We silently tiptoed barefoot through the back forest, until we finally reached an old trailer home. I banged on the door, pleading for help, explaining that a bear was at our campsite. An elderly man cracked open the door, eyeing the two of us—shivering, one of us holding a knife. His wife called out, asking if their kids were alright. He reassured her, saying their kids were grown and didn’t live there anymore, and it was probably just some campers spooked by a moose. He explained that moose sometimes wander by to investigate, then shut the door. Relieved, we found our way back to the campsite taking the road. A stupid moose—not even a bear!

    As we neared the campsite, it became clear that the old man was right. There, munching at the picnic table, were a mother moose and her calf. Cold and exhausted, I wasn’t about to let a couple of oversized deer ruin our trip. Determined to chase them off, I ran toward them, yelling and throwing rocks. Not the smartest move, because the mother moose immediately charged at me. I ran faster than I ever have, my feet barely touched the ground. After a ridiculous back-and-forth chase, I finally managed to scare them off. We moved the food cooler and earlier trash to the car, making sure nothing edible was left out. This time, I closed the tent’s flaps and windows, grateful that the night had ended safely

    The next morning, I was awakened by my head being nudged through the tent. Sleepy, I slowly unzipped the flap just enough to see the mother moose standing inches from my face, staring me down. Was she back to settle the score from the night before? Her sheer size struck me—much larger than any deer or horse. Trying to stay calm, I said, “Shoo,” but she stepped towards me. Is this really how it ends? Without thinking, I raised my hands by my head and shouted, “Whoa!” The moose tilted her head, studied me, and then snorted. After a tense moment, I sat back down and she turned and trotted away.

    Years later, while watching a nature show, I learned why my inspired reaction to raise my hands had worked. Female moose are highly protective of their calves and become aggressive if they feel threatened. By raising my open hands near my head, I had unknowingly mimicked the appearance of a dominant male moose with antlers. When I sat down, it signaled that I wasn’t a threat, and she backed off. I realized just how lucky we had been as several people are injured by moose each year. Without question, I felt divinely inspired and protected. Sometimes, prayers are answered in ways we don’t expect.

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    Psalm 91:15

    He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

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    Meister Eckhart

    If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is “thank you” that would suffice.

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